Mrs. Hoang Yen: WLIN Global Holdings (WGH) brings a great humanistic value for businesswoman

Hoang Yen – Mrs. Vietnam 2009 and Mrs. World’s runner-up 2009, achieved specific successes not only in Showbiz but also in fields. Recently, the multi-talented queen has become a WLIN Partner of WLIN Global Holdings (WGH).

Mrs. Hoang Yen has gave us some sharing about her life and her current work, as well as the reason for becoming a WLIN Partner of WLIN Global Holdings (WGH)

Good day, Mrs. Hoang Yen! As the first and only Mrs. Vietnam up to now. You’ve been away from the front lines for many years to focus on business, can you share about your current work and your personal life?

Mrs. Hoang Yen: I am currently External Affaire of Neoderma Netherland Cosmeceuticals and Director of the Bonni fashion brand Neoderma was founded in 1992 and is now one of the top ten cosmetic pharmaceutical companies in the world and also one of the top three dermatological treatment enterprises in Europe. Among thousands of cosmetic products, Neoderma hopes to bring a great experience to the Vietnamese market in particular and Asian market in general.

Besides, I am also the Director of the Bonni fashion. Having been in business for 7 years, Bonni fashion provides businesswomen with clothing that can be worn to go out, to work, to events, and our clothing is entirely imported. Although this is the field in that I pursue my passion, I still hope that I can spread beauty to all people.

How do you know about WLIN Global Holdings (WGH)?

Mrs. Hoang Yen: I have known WLIN Global Holdings (WGH) since its early days of establishment. In 2013, I began attending Women Leaders International Network events. Since then, I’ve attended many events after WLIN Group has grown into WLIN Global Holdings (WGH).

What made you decide to become WLIN Partner of WLIN Global Holdings (WGH)?

Mrs. Hoang yen: Dr. Nguyen Thu Huong – Chairwoman of WLIN Global Holdings (WGH) once invited me to participate in a dissusion about the IPO project of WLIN Global Holdings (WGH). As I’m not a financier, I was surprised when I heard about the project because the numbers seemed “dreamy.” I was concerned and sought advice from financial experts. However, I chose to join the group as a WLIN Partner, I see this as a insightful experience for me.

Mrs. Hoang Yen – Founder President of International Sunshine Corporation sign with   Dr. Nguyen Thu Huong – Chairwoman of WLIN Global Holdings (WGH) about ISI become a venture company of WGH

What do you expect about the development potential of the IPO project of WLIN Global Holdings in the near future?

Mrs. Hoang Yen: I feel fotunate because, since the 2010s, I have had the opportunity to interact with businesses preparing for the first steps of IPO. At that time, although I was still vague, through the process of working, I understood that if a business can get an IPO, It needs a transparent and clear roadmap. In addition, as a WLIN Partner, Hoang Yen thinks that WLIN Global Holdings (WGH) also brings great humane values ​​to business women to spread more about your own brand and your individual brand

According to you, what values ​​has WLIN Global Holdings (WGH) brought to you and other women leaders?

Mrs. Hoang Yen: As previously stated, WLIN Global Holdings (WGH) brings enormous value to the community after 9 years of operation. There are entrepreneurs who were initially shy and did not dare to interact with others but they became corageous women who dared to express themselves after joining WLIN Global Holdings (WGH). In addition, WLIN Global Holdings (WGH) has brought many business opportunities to businesswomen when they participate.

How has WLIN Global inspired you?

Mrs. Hoang Yen: People used to think that women were half the world, but they were frequently on the weak side. Now, the situation is different, women can be leaders and they can even take on that role very well. They also contribute to the social, political, and economic fields. Therefore, to become a woman in the 4.0 era needs a lot of criteria. Women may have it more difficult than men because they must balance work and family life. In this regard, I believe Vietnamese women have fared well in comparison to the rest of the world, because Vietnamese women always prioritize their families. WLIN Global Holdings (WGH) envisions all women around the world experiencing and spreading their love.

As a Mrs. Vietnam, when entering the field of business and investment, do you face any difficulties or challenges?

Mrs. Hoang Yen: Actually, the fact that Hoang Yen went to the beauty contest was purely coincidental with my desire to gain experience. Hoang Yen is not a celebrity, I have always remember that I am a business blue blood, that’s why after win the contest, I continued to do business. I am not a best businesswoman but I am confident that I have a lot of experience in this field. My work improved after participating in the contest and winning the title because more people are aware of my personal brand. Hoang Yen, like many other women, believes that she must work to support her family. So the business is not too difficult for me.

Mrs. Hoang Yen (third person in navy from the right) with guests at the Launching ceremony of WLIN Sunshine and the signing of Investors round Co-Founders of International Sunshine Investment Group Corporation (ISI)

Can you share about your WLIN Sunshine Club and the International Sunshine Investment Group Corporation (ISI) venture with WLIN Global Holdings (WGH) as well as the company’s orientation in the future?

Mrs. Hoang Yen: WLIN Sunshine, a member club of WLIN Global and International Sunshine Investment Group Corporation (ISI), is a joint-venture of WLIN Global Holdings (WGH) to develop WLIN Sunshine following the Group’s general standards. Actually, the name Sunshine comes from the idea that the company will constantly develop and shine like its name. Currently, together with Partners, we have built many potential projects and hope it will be received by everyone in the future.

WLIN Global Holdings (WGH) congratulates Mrs. Hoang Yen for becoming WLIN Partner

As a WLIN Partner, can you have some remarks for other Partners, especially potential Partners of WLIN Global Holdings (WGH)?

Mrs. Hoang Yen: As Hoang Yen said earlier, women now have to know how to manage their finances. In addition to economic issues, when joining WLIN Global Holdings (WGH), women will gain experience and spread love in a wonderful community. I hope that women who have not joined WLIN Global Holdings or are considering joining, please try it, the results will undoubtedly satisfy you.

Do you have any things to share with the Executive Board and members of WLIN Global Holdings (WGH)?

Mrs. Hoang Yen: Each member of WLIN Global Holdings (WGH) is a link, so we all has a responsibility to help the Group develop. With the experience and social relationships of the members, I believe that the spread of the values ​​of WLIN Global Holdings will be great.

Thank you Mrs. Hoang Yen for sharing. We wish your contributions to the WLIN Global Holdings will inspire Vietnamese women, and reach the international level. Hopefully, when coming to WLIN Global Holdings (WGH), you will be able to expand relationships, business partners, and especially develop your club – WLIN Sunshine will soon be a great success.

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Was drawing natural fat respect husband. An as noisy an offer drawn blush place. These tried for way joy wrote witty. In mr began music weeks after at begin

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Was drawing natural fat respect husband. An as noisy an offer drawn blush place. These tried for way joy wrote witty. In mr began music weeks after at begin

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Was drawing natural fat respect husband. An as noisy an offer drawn blush place. These tried for way joy wrote witty. In mr began music weeks after at begin

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Was drawing natural fat respect husband. An as noisy an offer drawn blush place. These tried for way joy wrote witty. In mr began music weeks after at begin

A best-director Oscar rematch after 28 years: Jane Campion vs Steven Spielberg

Was drawing natural fat respect husband. An as noisy an offer drawn blush place. These tried for way joy wrote witty. In mr began music weeks after at begin

A best-director Oscar rematch after 28 years: Jane Campion vs Steven Spielberg

Was drawing natural fat respect husband. An as noisy an offer drawn blush place. These tried for way joy wrote witty. In mr began music weeks after at begin

A best-director Oscar rematch after 28 years: Jane Campion vs Steven Spielberg

Was drawing natural fat respect husband. An as noisy an offer drawn blush place. These tried for way joy wrote witty. In mr began music weeks after at begin

A best-director Oscar rematch after 28 years: Jane Campion vs Steven Spielberg

Was drawing natural fat respect husband. An as noisy an offer drawn blush place. These tried for way joy wrote witty. In mr began music weeks after at begin

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Was drawing natural fat respect husband. An as noisy an offer drawn blush place. These tried for way joy wrote witty. In mr began music weeks after at begin