Cuisine of different continents on Tet Holiday

Meals on New Year's Day are not only meant to wish for prosperity and fullness, but also an opportunity for family members to gather together, wishing for good things to come in the new year. Depending on each region, specific climate as well as its own concept, the dishes used in the New Year in countries across the continent also have differences.Asia


Unlike neighboring countries in Asia such as Korea or China, Japan has long since stopped attaching importance to the Lunar New Year and switched to celebrating the New Year. However, the traditional rituals and dishes of this country are always preserved every year.

The indispensable traditional dish on New Year's Day in Japan is Osechi Ryori, which originated more than 1000 years ago and started with simple dishes. Today, the number of dishes has increased depending on the abundant life and preferences of each family.

Every year on December 31, Soba noodle shops in Japan are always crowded with people. According to Japanese custom, Soba noodles are long and chewy but also easy to bite off, representing the end of the bad luck of the old year, welcoming the new year with good luck.

Some other countries choose to celebrate the Lunar New Year. The Chinese New Year meal cannot be complete without fish, dumplings, spring rolls, glutinous rice cakes, stuffed sticky rice balls, longevity noodles, and fruits. They believe that these dishes will bring prosperity and affluence. In Korea, a table of mixed vermicelli, rice cake soup, rimmed beef ribs, onion cake and other side dishes are dishes that people here welcome a new year.

In Vietnam, depending on the region, Tet dishes are also different. If people in the North often have Chung cake, boiled chicken, a bowl of bamboo shoot soup, spring rolls, and frozen meat, in the South, people cook cylindric glutinous rice cake, braised meat with coconut water, bitter melon soup, ...



Typical German New Year dishes

In France, turkey stuffed with chestnuts is the "soul" of the year-end party. This is one of the long-standing traditional dishes in this country every New Year. There are also foie gras, seafood, meat accompanied with champagne, and wine.

For Italians, an indispensable dish on New Year's Eve is Cotechino con Lenticchie or Zampone con Lenticchie - a traditional dish of sausages and lentils. This combination is meant to symbolize the wish for abundance and luck in the first days of the year.

No need for fancy and elaborate dishes, Spaniards often eat grapes to welcome the new year. On New Year's Eve, they will eat 12 grapes during the 12 bells to signal the first 12 seconds of the new year, or sip each glass of sweet grape wine. This action is done with the hope that the next 12 months will be filled with joy, happiness and luck.

In Russia, Olivier salad is an indispensable dish on New Year's Eve, accompanied by bread, caviar, red radish salted fish salad, cabbage rolls, and champagne. Russians believe that the more abundant the meal is, the more prosperous the new year will be.

Meanwhile, people in Hungary forbid eating poultry or other winged animals for fear that the luck will fly away. They also do not eat fish, crabs or shrimps due to the belief that luck will follow the fish they eat and seafood swims sideways or backwards, preventing fate from moving forward.

Unlike Hungary, the German New Year dish is carp. This traditional dish is considered to bring good luck and ward off bad luck in the coming year. In addition, they will also prepare a large banquet table of meats, cheese, seasonal vegetables and beer.

In addition, the Germans also welcome the new year with a number of other dishes such as: fried cakes filled with Pfannkuchen jam, champagne... Bread of all different shapes with the wish that bad luck will disappear, good fortune will come to them in the next year.

As for the Swiss, Fondue Chinoise is a traditional dish on New Year's Day. A nice little pot is placed on the stove, and the cheeses will be cut here to melt. On the table are toppings such as cold meats, potatoes, tomatoes, salads, hams... the diners use skewered forks to dip into the pot of molten cheese, then enjoy. Cheese hotpot is usually served with crispy toasted bread.


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Mexican Tamales

For Americans, the first meal of the year usually includes cabbage, sardines, honey, black-eyed peas, ... and certainly indispensable bread - a dish symbolizing fullness and warmth. In addition, in the Southern United States, people often eat Hoppin' John made from black-eyed peas or cowpeas. This tradition dates back to the Civil War, when the town of Vicksburg (Mississippi) ran out of food at the time of the attack, the inhabitants found black-eyed peas to survive, since then this bean is considered to bring good luck. 

The people of Paraguay have a rule that the last 5 days of the year are the "cold food festival". During these 5 days, people are not allowed to light a fire or light a stove, but can only eat cold food or pre-prepared food. It is only until January 1 of the solar calendar that you can do these things to wish a happy and prosperous new year.

In Mexico, the New Year's celebration of the people here is Tamales - a cake made from cornmeal, meat, fat, vegetables, cheese, wrapped in corn leaves and steamed for 2 hours. In addition, Menudo soup made from beef books or stewed beef intestines with onions, coriander, oregano, chili within 7-10 hours is also a popular Tet dish in this country.

In Cuba, people will eat roasted suckling pig because this is considered an animal that brings luck to the people of this country; or in Peru there is Ceviche - a colorful seafood and vegetable "cocktail".


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Nigerians see lentils as a symbol of coins and so these beans appear in many New Year dishes and abstain from poultry because they think it will affect the family's financial situation.

Ugandans have a special dish for New Year's breakfast with a hearty breakfast table consisting of Matooke bananas (East African highland bananas), a green banana that is considered the main food in several African countries and is also a valuable product, an export source of Uganda.


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Unlike Vietnam, Tet in Australia usually falls in the summer and lasts from Christmas until January 10. It is also one of the earliest countries to celebrate New Year's Eve in the world. On this occasion, people will enjoy grilled kangaroo meat, Parmigiana chicken, Barramundi fish, beef, wine,...

Most countries in Australia often favor grilled meat and seafood dishes during big and important holidays such as Christmas or New Year. Besides, toast with avocado every morning is also an indispensable dish.


Unlike other continents, Antarctica is uninhabited except by scientists because of its extreme climate.

Here, they will hold a New Year's concert called Icestock at the American research station McMurdo and enjoy hot chili soups with hot coffee or hot chocolate to help warm up their body.

A best-director Oscar rematch after 28 years: Jane Campion vs Steven Spielberg

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A best-director Oscar rematch after 28 years: Jane Campion vs Steven Spielberg

Was drawing natural fat respect husband. An as noisy an offer drawn blush place. These tried for way joy wrote witty. In mr began music weeks after at begin

A best-director Oscar rematch after 28 years: Jane Campion vs Steven Spielberg

Was drawing natural fat respect husband. An as noisy an offer drawn blush place. These tried for way joy wrote witty. In mr began music weeks after at begin

A best-director Oscar rematch after 28 years: Jane Campion vs Steven Spielberg

Was drawing natural fat respect husband. An as noisy an offer drawn blush place. These tried for way joy wrote witty. In mr began music weeks after at begin

A best-director Oscar rematch after 28 years: Jane Campion vs Steven Spielberg

Was drawing natural fat respect husband. An as noisy an offer drawn blush place. These tried for way joy wrote witty. In mr began music weeks after at begin

A best-director Oscar rematch after 28 years: Jane Campion vs Steven Spielberg

Was drawing natural fat respect husband. An as noisy an offer drawn blush place. These tried for way joy wrote witty. In mr began music weeks after at begin

A best-director Oscar rematch after 28 years: Jane Campion vs Steven Spielberg

Was drawing natural fat respect husband. An as noisy an offer drawn blush place. These tried for way joy wrote witty. In mr began music weeks after at begin

A best-director Oscar rematch after 28 years: Jane Campion vs Steven Spielberg

Was drawing natural fat respect husband. An as noisy an offer drawn blush place. These tried for way joy wrote witty. In mr began music weeks after at begin

A best-director Oscar rematch after 28 years: Jane Campion vs Steven Spielberg

Was drawing natural fat respect husband. An as noisy an offer drawn blush place. These tried for way joy wrote witty. In mr began music weeks after at begin

A best-director Oscar rematch after 28 years: Jane Campion vs Steven Spielberg

Was drawing natural fat respect husband. An as noisy an offer drawn blush place. These tried for way joy wrote witty. In mr began music weeks after at begin